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Day Eight.

Day 8: I think? May the 4th. May the fourth be with you. May the force be with you.

Listen, I need to be transparent here. I have never seen a single Star Wars film. Not one. Zero. Nil. Here is the other thing: I have not one iota of desire to see these films. At best, I feel that the greatest gift that these films provided man kind with are cute decorative items available on sale at your local target. Things like foot puffs, lamps, darth Vader piggy banks, bedding or posters. The art is good, well balanced, and smart. I especially love the Ewok look. Very cute. But that’s the extent of my care, concern or appreciation for the film series.

I feel it’s important that I be honest with you, in doing so, I feel like I am being brave. Running the risk of rejection, definitely at least from
50 % of my siblings and their counterparts.

I am not into that vibe. I am into nirvana, Def Leppard, annie Lennox, Duran Duran, Beyoncé, dua lipa, George Michael, books, Nora ephron movies, anything produced by Shonda Rhimes, Lord of the Rings. Grey’s.

I say this because I just wanted to confess my ‘sins’ and let you know that the only thing good about Star Wars, potentially, is Harrison Ford. In my opinion. As I see it. He’s in it right? That is all, babes.